The Children of Lommos
- THE CHILDREN OF LOMMOS - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appears in the book collection, "TRANSIENTS and Other Disquieting Stories," by Darrell Schweitzer, and published by Ganley in 1993.
Here is another drawing that I did in the style of Hannes Bok. He is one of the artists who inspired me to draw, to paint, and to become an illustrator. And once in a while I just couldn't resist doing a drawing his way, even though I shouldn't have, because I know he would have done it better.
And this is where I needed the editor to return the drawing to me with a note saying, "Don't imitate, do it your way!"
I have often heard and read a lot about editors who demanded changes to a manuscript before it would be accepted, and Horace Gold, of Galaxy magazine comes to mind as being one of those editors. Though some of the writers hated him for that, others admitted that the changes he asked for made their stories better.
With one exception, I have never heard or read about a SF editor who applied that same degree of "editorship" to the illustrations that appeared in his book, or SF magazine. That exception was Tim Underwood of the Underwood-Miller publishing team. I wrote about that in item 115.
When I look at all the drawings I made over my career, I am sometimes tempted to say I could have done better, with this one or that one, changing this part or that part, or doing the entire picture in a different way, But that's hindsight, If I could have done better, I would have. Only an editor could have made my drawings better. But none of them ever asked me to.
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